Ready to discover the world – Stefan Strickler, Automobil-Mechatroniker EFZ
Ready to discover the world – Stefan Strickler, Automobil-Mechatroniker EFZ
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Ready to discover the world – Stefan Strickler, Automobil-Mechatroniker EFZ

Stefan Strickler, Automobil-Mechatroniker EFZ (Lehrabschluss Juli 2018) verbrachte anfangs 2019 knapp drei Monate in England (4 Wochen Sprachunterricht / 2 Monate Praktikum JD Garage, in Christchurch)

Hier seine Eindrücke  – here his impressions:

So, what made you want to go to England to study English?
I haven’t used English for the last 4 years during my apprenticeship and I wanted to start again because it is important for travel and also for work. I heard of Celc Language School through the Coordinator of the Leonardo Da Vinci Project Andrea at my VET training Centre, the GIBZ.

Was England as you expected?
I was surprised how many students are at the school. It has been fun mixing with so many people.  Other than that, I found that English people are very polite when speaking to each other. They are also very helpful, particularly when I need directions and advice.

How is your experience of living with an English family?
My host family is very friendly; they said ‘My house is your house’, which made me feel very comfortable.  When I come home, they talk a lot with me, particularly at meal times. They also play games, like monopoly, uno, cluedo and lots of other kids’ stuff – I enjoy this very much. I also enjoy the share a drink with my host father from time to time. The English also drink a ridiculous amount of tea and coffee!

What’s so far the most memorable moment of your time here in England?
Meeting people from other countries has been great – particularly people from Brazil.  Our trip to Durdle Door was especially memorable. However, every day has been a new experience and I have enjoyed them all, but being with new friends is what makes the time so special.

Is there anything you’d like to warn other apprentices that are thinking of coming to England about?
Be careful crossing the street – look both ways!  I would also tell future students to make friends from other countries because it helps to improve your English as you must speak English to communicate with them, this is not easy, but it is good for you. I would also recommend people watch English TV or films or read an English book before they come and also during their time here in England.

I would also recommend the stay abroad I am doing, mixing English language learning with an internship in a host company to gain further professional experience.

Stefan Strickler

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